800A handheld spectrum analyzer is an ideal testing instrument
for engineer working at the wireless base station for 2G/3G/4G,
WiFi and broadcast installation and maintenance.
it covers frequency range: 100 kHz ~ 3000 MHz and has
tracking generator option.
Large Dynamic Range Spectrum Analysis
800A series covers wide frequency range: 100 kHz ~3000 MHz
and provide +15 dBm IP3 and lower noise.

Interference Signals Analysis
800A provides features such as signal strength indication,
spectrogram and fluorogram to find out interference signals.

800A supports FM/AM demodulation and then distinguishes

Fast Sweep Speed
800A provides 1 ms minimum sweep time to detect any complex
interference signals.

GPS Receiver Option
GPS receiver option provides location (longitude, latitude, altitude)
and Universal Time (UT) information. For the E8000A series,
all measurement results can be saved with location and time

RF Signals Analysis Function
800A provides one-button measurement for channel power,
OBW and adjacent channel power.